New Research Finds The Best Strategy On How To Lose Weight

Most of us know that the best strategy on how to lose weight is to reduce our calorie intake. But actually reducing the amount of calories that we consume is easier said than done.

A new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center may help us with basic strategies on how to eat less and lose weight safely.

After studying 123 overweight to obese and sedentary women ranging in ages from 50 to 75, researchers find that
  • Women who keep journals on the type of foods, and the amount of food that they eat lose more weight than women who do not keep food journals
  • Women who do not skip meals lose more weight than women who do skip meals
  • And women who do not eat out for lunch often lose more weight than women who do frequently eat out for lunch.
Based on their findings, the researchers recommend that postmenopausal women maintain a food journal, eat out less often, especially for lunch, and eat at regular intervals to help lose weight successfully.

When keeping a food journal, the researchers also recommend that you
  • Be honest by recording everything that you eat
  • Be accurate by measuring portions and reading labels
  • Be complete in you recording by including how the food is prepared and whether any toppings or condiments are added to the food
  • And be consistent by always carrying your food journal with you and faithfully record what and when you eat
These are simple tools that you can use to help you lose weight successfully.

Charles A. Pennison


Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: " Want to lose Weight? "